Main 98 on 21 Feb 2016
AddedSplit times shown ingame.
AddedChanged codriver audio pacenotes.
AddedEnglish codriver.
AddedCodriver choice in menu.
AddedPacenotes system.
ImprovedSet engine volume at 0.5 and codriver volume at 1.0 to hear better the pacenotes.
Main 97 on 12 Feb 2016
FixedGraphicsReplay not show car and track.
FixedGraphicsRecce not show car and track.
AddedNew console command: PATH_DISABLE and PATH_ENABLE, to disable and re-enable the path calculation (the function that check where is the car, is necessary to detect the distance driven and the pacenotes playing).
AddedNew console command: STATS that shows the current fps stats and save them into output_log.txt file.
Main 96 on 11 Feb 2016
FixedGraphicsSky now is visible (issue that affect some GPU)
Main 95 on 08 Feb 2016
ImprovedGraphicsBetter render and shadows management.
AddedIngame FPS viewer.
AddedConsole pressing \ key: TEX_LIMIT followed by a number changes the texture usage size: 0=>full texture size, 1=>half texture size, 2=>quarter texture size...
AddedConsole key: SHOW_FPS followed by false, disable the fps viewer.
Main 94 on 31 Jan 2016
ImprovedGraphicsgeneral improvement changing the 'core' of the stage.
Main 93 on 23 Dec 2015
Monitor Panel, to edit the head position of the driver.F4
Graph Panel, useful to debug some physics stuff.. please read here to have a complete index list to use: edit the 0 index to one of your choice to see the real-time graph of the selected element.F5
ImprovedPhysicsBrake and weight balance.
ImprovedGraphicsfps improved without reflection enabled.
ImprovedUpdate to Unity 5.3:
You need to upgrade the Baitoni Bondone stage to avoid render errors.
Main 92 on 27 Nov 2015
ImprovedPhysicsImproved car braking.
AddedPhysicsNew tyre gRallyTarmac_102.
AddedPhysicsFeedback on Brake-lock.
Main 91 on 23 Nov 2015
AddedGraphicsOn F1 Tyres panel the color represents the material under the wheels.
FixedGraphicsWhen you reach rpm limits, the labels become red.
AddedGraphicsBlob shadow under the car.
Main 90 on 26 Oct 2015
FixedPacenotes#240 Removed from project (to improve the automatic pacenotes).
FixedGraphics#242 The material seems ok.
FixedPhysics#254, #255, #257 Now the pressure range must be set from 1.3bar (19psi) to 1.8bar (26psi), the optimal pressure is 1.5bar (22psi).
please check your setups, and for the moment, to avoid crashes, the maximum pressure is not changed, but please stay into the limits wrote above.
ImprovedPhysicsForce Feedback.
AddedPhysicsnew gRallyTarmac_101 tyre, that solve the pressure problems listed above.
Main 89 on 20 Oct 2015
FixedCrash with wrong pacenote configuration.
FixedTyre panel shown on replay.
ImprovedLogin system.
FixedMenu error if user have default avatar on the forum.
Main 88 on 09 Oct 2015
Improved131 materials.
FixedPacenotes not working.
ImprovedF2 Graphics settings with more options. https://github.com/gRally/dev/wiki/UserManual#f2-graphics-settings
Main 87 on 07 Oct 2015
Main 86 on 06 Oct 2015
Main 85 on 30 Sep 2015
Fixed#264 The bars are back.
Removed#265 Removed old page.
Removed#266 Removed old page.
Removed#267 Removed old page.
Added#268 Now shows the version on the bottom:
Fixed#259 Now if you use AutoClutch the control is not necessary.
ImprovedIncar Camera movement.
Fixed#269 The physics dll is ok now.
AddedVersion in the output_log.txt file.
Main 84 on 28 Sep 2015
Main 83 on 27 Sep 2015
Main 82 on 22 Sep 2015
AddedCar setup: added AntiSlip differential value to check.
Recreate the setup.
ImprovedCar look: reflection and number template.
Main 81 on 21 Sep 2015
AddedSystemInfo log.
RemovedWrong car physics file.
Main 80 on 18 Sep 2015
FixedPacenotes: load default if not present custom file.
FixedLog quality settings everytime.
ImprovedGodRays enabled from render.ini:
[video] godrays = false
ImprovedQuality settings, negative values uses manual starting from the positive (example: -4 starts from quality 4 and apply manual settings)
ImprovedShadows: level 4 uses hard shadows.
AddedGravel tyre.
Main 79 on 11 Sep 2015
ImprovedLight system.
AddedArtificial lights.
Fixed#216 The replay scroller works fine.
AddedFree camera using (8) key.
ImprovedPhysics system into car files.
recreate the setups with the new tyres (.tyre) file.
Main 78 on 22 Jul 2015
FixedInput handling back to working.
AddedPressure in setup choice.
Main 77 on 17 Jul 2015
Added215 Fixed shader for livery.
ImprovedPhysics tire pressure.
Main 76 on 01 Jul 2015
Fixed#175 Now we use a single library.
AddedHdr, bloom & tonemapping: (modify render.ini)
[video] hdr = true bloom = true tonemapping = true
AddedStarted to work with VR.
AddedTire pressure and temperature. (F1 key to show the values ingame)
Main 75 on 03 Jun 2015
FixedLast pacenote not heard
ImprovedNow in the recce you need to drive until the STOP sign to allow to register the notes for the turns between the finish and the stop.
ImprovedPacenotes order/distance.
ImprovedgMods now shows the download percentage.
Main 74 on 29 May 2015
FixedAudio Engine volume: use a value near 0.5: change it from gRally.ini:
[sound] vol_engine = 0.5
FixedRecce button now is enabled
ImprovedFog start now starts at 350m by default (change using F2 panel).
Main 73 on 28 May 2015
Main 72 on 25 May 2015
Fixed#194 now replace underscore with space.
ImprovedSkid Trails.
ImprovedSky Haze Fog.
ImprovedSky Linear Color Range.
AddedReflection settings (editable from the menu):
[graph_reflect] enable = true shadow_distance = 40 resolution = 1024 slicing_mode = allfacesatonce
AddedQuality setting: if quality_level = -1 edit manually the render.ini:
[quality] billboardsFaceCameraPosition = true ;blendWeights = onebone ;blendWeights = twobones blendWeights = fourbones lodBias = 2.0 masterTextureLimit = 0 maximumLODLevel = 0 maxQueuedFrames = 1 particleRaycastBudget = 4096 pixelLightCount = 4 realtimeReflectionProbes = true shadowCascade2Split = 0.33333 shadowCascade4Split = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 shadowCascades = 4 shadowDistance = 100 ;shadowProjection = closefit shadowProjection = stablefit softVegetation = true
AddedSky distance (editable from the menu):
[graph_detail] sky_dist =15000
Main 71 on 22 May 2015
AddedFar Fog.
FixedF1 Brakes (due to a setup parse problem).
FixedReplay play/pause icon.
Added3D Sound (hear in the replays...
Main 70 on 21 May 2015
Main 69 on 19 May 2015
Added#164 fade out in 10'.
AddedDynamic Sky. (Edit with F2 key).
ImprovedCar collision, now works with a convex hull:
ImprovedCollision with dynamic objects.
Main 68 on 18 May 2015
Fixed#186 Now the sound starts when you're ingame.
ImprovedSkidpad Motorshow.
FixedGrass and Trees not shown on Track.
Main 67 on 17 May 2015
ImprovedSave times (icons shows the connection status).
AddedNew layout of the skidpad.
ImprovedLoading screen.
FixedCrash if no pacenotes.
FixedMenu let's choose the track layout.
Main 66 on 13 May 2015
ImprovedWARNING This is a transitional release, no load replay, no recce..
AddedHotlaps recording: please login from gRally.exe using forum credentials.
Fixed#185 Definitive.
ImprovedTrimonitor management: edit the render.ini file:
[monitor] trimonitor =false separate_renders =true distance =1000 width =550 bezel =10 angle =45 fov =68
ImprovedF3 settings.
AddedF4 video settings.
ImprovedIngame Panels are movable.
FixedCountdown Issue.
AddedTrack map in pause menu.
Main 65 on 06 May 2015
AddedEditable view distance.
FixedTrimonitor side views different to the central view.
ImprovedStatic meshes for main track.
Improved[ShowRoom] #185 To check, now path debug added.
Fixed#177 Not needed.
Improved[ShowRoom] Graphic rendering improvements.
Fixed[ShowRoom] No multiply between pattern color and livery.
ImprovedCar Headlight.
ImprovedCar Materials.
Main 64 on 05 May 2015
AddedHeadLights: press L key to enable/disable.
AddedBrake Lights.
AddedReverse Lights.
AddedShowRoom (launch from gRally menu).
ImprovedSky using ToD.
AddedSuper Shot pressing K key.
FixedMessage when the replay is saved.
Main 63 on 30 Apr 2015
FixedTriMonitor position.
Main 62 on 30 Apr 2015
Main 61 on 30 Apr 2015
FixedCrash reading user.ini.
ImprovedPerformance with EG.
ImprovedShadows with dynamic time.
Main 60 on 29 Apr 2015
AddedDynamic sky
Numpad4 => reduce 10' daytime Numpad5 => set midday time Numpad6 => increment 10' daytime Numpad7 => clear sky Numpad8 => overcast sky Numpad9 => rain sky
FixedLivery selection.
Main 59 on 28 Apr 2015
AddedSkidmarks and smoke.
AddedF3 Menu ingame to change the FF settings.
ImprovedReplay smooth.
ImprovedCameras switch with 1 2 3 4 5 ... and 0 for replay camera (in replay mode).
AddedIngame windows movable.
Main 58 on 24 Apr 2015
ImprovedRemoved pacenotes mesh.
AddedSteering wheel in game.
AddedPress esc, pause menu with the save replay function enabled.
ImprovedCar material.
ImprovedGUI ingame.
ImprovedTimer in sec/10.
FixedError on Digital input config.
Main 57 on 20 Apr 2015
Improved131 car physics.
Main 56 on 20 Apr 2015
Fixed#182 Now the base filename may not be like the folder name.
AddedTriMonitor setting, at the moment separate rendering, no more setups: edit render.ini:
[video] trimonitor = true
AddedFov ingame edit: with + and - of the numpad you can change the values. (no save, only to test ingame :)).
FixedSound Engine position correct.
FixedWindscreen material corrected.
FixedCar shaders.
Main 55 on 17 Apr 2015
ImprovedAssetBundles compressed.
ImprovedNew AssetBundle system.
AddedLoading screen.
AddedCar liveries.
Main 54 on 15 Apr 2015
FixedPacenotes not heard.
ImprovedPacenotes volume.
ImprovedPacenotes codriver: edit gRally.ini:
[pacenotes] codriver = Alessandrini
Main 53 on 15 Apr 2015
AddedTime and Distance.
AddedStage Points.
Main 52 on 12 Apr 2015
ImprovedAdvanced_Skidpad, with the path inside the asset.
ImprovedTrack Shaders.
Main 51 on 08 Apr 2015
ImprovedUnity version!
Main 49 on 31 Mar 2015
ImprovedShadows. (I hope..).
AddedDebug mesh: enabling from gRally.ini:
[misc] debugMesh = true
you load only one texture for all the scene.
Main 48 on 25 Mar 2015
Fixed[gRallySim] Fixed LOD issue.
Main 47 on 24 Mar 2015
Fixed#134 The materials are loaded, in gTrackEditor also the Collisions node.
FixedGrass Collision if pivot different from 0,0,0.
Improved[gRallySim] Pacenotes sorted by distance.
Fixed[gRallyMenu] Error if view distance > 2000.
ImprovedShadows: add these settings to render.ini and try to hack:
[graph_shadow] type =2 dist =60 size =3 count =3 ; these are added mult = 0.35 splitPoints = 0.76, 0.91 splitAdjust = 4.1, 2.1, 1.2
Added#166 The track version (if available) is shown in the loading page.
Main 46 on 22 Mar 2015
Main 45 on 18 Mar 2015
Added[3dsExporter] Lod Level working.
Added[gRallySim] added the values in gRally.ini to manage the orthoMap called to preload all:
[misc] orthoMapSize = 1024 orthoMapPath = C:\Temp\gRallyDBG\maps_
the size tells the area to build the map, the path (if specified) write to the path and file the png. -
Improved[gRallySim] the new log names are: gRallySimogre.log for the Ogre log, gRallySim.log the basic log.
Improved[gTrackEditor] the new log names are: gTrackEditorogre.log for the Ogre log, gTrackEditor.log the basic log.
ImprovedSkidPad With LOD.
Main 44 on 15 Mar 2015
FixedError Bounds must be square in PagedGeometry::setBounds().
Improved[3dsExporter] Exports with Ogre 1.10 meshes.
Main 43 on 11 Mar 2015
Main 42 on 06 Mar 2015
Main 41 on 04 Feb 2015
Fixed#146 Fix Sun Shape.
Added[gTrackEditor] New plugin to export mesh/material.
Added[gTrackEditor] Setup for min/max multipliers.
Improved[gTrackEditor] The Sky parameters with description.
ImprovedStatic Track objects (To test).
AddedModder manager: please read the guide.
Main 40 on 13 Jan 2015
Added[gRallySim] Version and other info logged in gRallySim.log.
Improved[gRallySim] Log for the init functions.
Added[gRallySim] Debug Path: to enable modify gRally.ini:
[misc] debugPath = true
Fixed[gRallySim] #139
Improved[3dsExporter] Now exports each point of the spline, may the 3d artist set a proper distance for the points (2 meters at the moment are recommended)
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #147
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #131
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #130
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #132
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #147
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #145 #140
Fixed[gTrackEditor] #149
Removed[gTrackEditor] #148
Improved[3dsExporter] New xml for the sky management.
Main 39 on 17 Dec 2014
Improved[gRallySim] Stuttering (not definitively)
Fixed[gRallySim] #107
Improved[gRallySim] Car Shaders
Added[gTrackEditor] Azimuth and Altitude visible (but not editable)
Main 38 on 02 Dec 2014
Improved[3dsExporter] Manage the paged meshes
Improved[3dsExporter] Material optimization
Removed[gTrackEditor] sky unused
Added[gTrackEditor] sky multiplier
Added[gTrackEditor] Map track for grass
Improved[gRallySim] Fps and stuttering
Main 37 on 06 Nov 2014
AddedA gTrackEditor for each sky system to check.
Main 36 on 30 Oct 2014
AddedLog level of ogre, changing this in gRally.ini
[misc] ;0 = NO, 1 = LL_LOW, 2 = LL_NORMAL, 3 = LL_BOREME ogreLogLevel = 0
AddedNew log system.
Improvedxml read: ready for the parameters.
AddedInstances objects ready (at the moment only for testing)
AddedOctree mode: changing this in render.ini
[graph_detail] ;ST_GENERIC = 1, OCTREE = 2 scene_type = 1
Main 35 on 07 Oct 2014
AddedNew FileSystem to manage various layouts of the stage:
modify gRally.ini[game] track = Advanced_Skidpad layout = 0
AddedFMod sound manager
AddedNew static mesh optimization:
modify render.ini where grid = 0 no optimize, grid = 40 create a grid 40m x 40m[objects] grid = 40
AddedAdvanced SkidPad as track
Main 34 on 24 Sep 2014
FixedWrong plugins in last update.
Improvedshadows bias: now is
define FIXED_BIAS 0.0001
Fixed[Engine] Now works also with
[objects] use_static_meshes = false
AddedShader receives_shadows property to avoid to receive shadows from other meshes. Usage:
material test { ... // default value receives_shadows true ... } material testnosh { ... receives_shadows false ... }
Main 33 on 18 Sep 2014
Main on 15 Sep 2014
Fixed[3dsExporter] #117.
Fixed[Engine] #121.
Fixed[3dsExporter] #116 to check.
Fixed[3dsExporter] #114 to check.
Added[Engine] New Shader system (NSS)
Improved[Engine] #104
Fixed[Engine] #122 temporary, next we're moving on FMod
Improved[3dsExporter] Plugins updated.
Added[Engine] It's possible set a track with an absolute path modifying gRally.ini:
[game] track = ABS::C:\Users\Administrator\Copy\gRally Tracks\Avdanced_SkidPad
Fixed[Engine] Issue with the input system that may crash with some system.
Improved[Engine] Collision mesh (hidden) and wireframe visible pressing + button.
Main on 02 Sep 2014
Added[Sim] Pressing * button hide everything except the track, useful to test the stats of the scene (pressing F2)
Added[Sim] Mesh optimization:
Modifying the render.ini like this:[objects] use_static_meshes = false ;enable the octree scene manager use_octree = false ;0=no optimization ;1=everything static merged in grid ;2=every mesh static optimize_type = 1 ;square grid cell (for optimize type 1) optimize_grid = 125
Added[3dsExporter] #109
Added[3dsExporter] Added vertex paint export material directly by 3ds
Improved[3dsExporter] The pluging is bundled with the installer and the updates are int the gRallySim directory
Main 30 on 09.08.2014
ImprovedAggiornamento Ogre
Fixed[gTrackEditor] distanza environment
Added[gTrackEditor] salvataggio shots in png
Added[gTrackEditor] environmennt (cielo e terreno lontano) visibile/invisibile
Main 29 on 04.08.2014
FixedMipMap problem
Main 28 of 01_08_2014
Fixedsound problem
Addedmipmap configuration: (manual modify render.ini)
[graph_detail] anisotropy = 4 view_dist = 300 near_dist = 0.1 num_mip_map = 5 ;ST_GENERIC = 1, ST_EXTERIOR_CLOSE = 2, ST_EXTERIOR_FAR = 4, ST_EXTERIOR_REAL_FAR = 8, ST_INTERIOR = 16 scene_type = 1
Main 25 of 17.04.2014
AddedF2 ingame to show stats
AddedFog (test only)
Main 24 of 13.04.2014
AddedEnvironment configuration
Main 23 of 08.04.2014
FixedReinstall problem fixed!
Main 22 of 07.04.2014
Main 20 of 07.04.2014
AddedPaged System can be configured. Read Here!
Main 19 of 06.04.2014
FixedBrake lights ok #113
Main 18 of 06.04.2014
ImprovedGui unified
FixedReplay camera issue
Main 17 of 02.04.2014
ImprovedOgre 1.9
AddedCar brake lights (beta)
AddedCar setup
WARNING: please delete all inside documents\gRally\Cars\131\Setup
Open gRally.ini inside documents\gRally folder and delete value of [car] setup = (leave it blank)[car] car = 131 setup =
Improved[Baitoni_Bondone] new version
Main 16 of 19.03.2014
FixedShadows are attached to the object
Added#106 now there's the linear value (1.0 is like the old.. a good is near 0.6)
Addedingame press F3 to show the movable window to adjust the force feedback parameters
AddedgTrackEditor have the editable ambient, specular and diffuse multiplier to check the caelum system
Main 15 of 17.03.2014
FixedIssue #107
AddedgTrackEditor con caelum, testare i colori!
Main 14 of 14.03.2014
AddedgTrackEditor now shows lights colors
Improvedchanged car collision for improve #90
Improvedre-enabled car debug modifying grally.ini HELP
[misc] bulletDebug = off bulletShowCar = on bulletShowGroundCollisions = off bulletShowParticlePos = on bulletShowContactNormal = off bulletInterpolateNormal = off bulletInterpolateNumRays = 5 bulletInterpolateWheelSizeFactor = 1.1 ; DBG_NoDebug=0, DBG_DrawWireframe = 1, DBG_DrawAabb=2, DBG_DrawFeaturesText=4, DBG_DrawContactPoints=8, DBG_NoDeactivation=16, DBG_NoHelpText = 32, DBG_DrawText=64, DBG_ProfileTimings = 128, DBG_EnableSatComparison = 256, DBG_DisableBulletLCP = 512, DBG_EnableCCD = 1024, ; DBG_DrawConstraints = (1 << 11), DBG_DrawConstraintLimits = (1 << 12), DBG_FastWireframe = (1<<13), bulletLines = 8192 bulletProfilerTxt = off
Fixednow the effects are working! HELP
[videoeff] alleffects =false bloom =false bloomintensity =0.3 bloomorig =0.9 hdr =true hdradaptationScale = 0.51 hdrbloomint = 0.81 hdrbloomorig = 0.34 hdrp1 = 0.62 hdrp2 = 0.1 hdrp3 = 0.79 hdrvignettingDarkness = 0.34 hdrvignettingRadius = 2.85 godrays = off softparticles = on dof = off doffocus = 20 doffar = 100 motionblur =false motionblurintensity=0.9 ssao =false
Main 13 of 06.03.2014
FixedIssue #73
Main 12 of 06.03.2014
Fixed#66 Finally fixed!
Improved[Baitone_Bondoni]First pacenotes attempt (first 2.5 km)
Main 11 of 04.03.2014
Main 10 of 04.03.2014
Fixedtry to fix #66:
ImprovedgRally,exe modified
AddedgRally.exe.config added
Main 9 of 03.03.2014
Improvedtest #67: rollback to old ogg library.. test!
Main 8 of 28.02.2014
Addedv. - added a log for the sound engine
Main 7 of 25.02.2014
Improvedtest for #66: now doesn't create any files into installation folder.. to check if works
Main 6 of 24.02.2014
Main 5 of 22.02.2014
AddedgTrackEditor now inside gRally!
Main 4 of 22.02.2014
AddedIssue #59
Addednel file car.physics sono stati aggiunti due parametri: rpm-upshift-max e rpm-downshift-max che contengono rispettivamente 2 valori: il primo rappresenta il numero massimo di giri per poter cambiare, mentre il secondo il massimo pedale dell'acceleratore premuto (1 => tutto premuto, 0 => rilasciato). Provare a giocare su questi parametri per ottenere il risultato ottimale.
ATTENZIONE: questo per il momento va anche con l'autoshift!
Main 3 of 19.02.2014
Fixedissue #61
Warning: edit the gRally.ini like this:[sound] vol_engine = 0.05 vol_env = 0.1 vol_tires = 0.85 vol_codriver = 1 volume = 1
Main 2 of 19.02.2014
FixedIssue #63
Main 1 of 13.02.2014
FixedVideo Settings: ability to change shadows and graphics parameters
Removed[SkidPad_II] Rimozione files per evitare il crash #76
[sound] vol_engine = 0.1